The controversy over hygiene centers is still raging. As always there are people working hard trying to break down stereotypes about the homeless. It seems like everyone wants to tell you its wrong to stereotype, that you should see people as they really are.
I say they're all a bunch of PC wimps! Stereotyping is great! It's fun, it's creative, and educational too. The only thing wrong with the stereotyping I hear about the homeless is that it's mostly dull and unimaginative. Let me show you how it's REALLY done, by a master.
Something Needs To Be Done About Those people
by © Dr. Wes Browning
Something needs to be done about those people.
Everyone knows it.
Look at how they whisper as they pass.
Always something to hide.
Riding in cars with tinted glass.
Buying land out of sight.
If they're not drunks they deal drugs.
If they're not muggers they're murderers.
Like that guy that killed and buried those kids
in his basement.
You know the kind I'm talking about.
They don't hide behind those walls just to stay warm.
You read it every day how they beat their own children.
Something needs to be done about those people.
Like that cannibal guy that tortured and raped and ate those boys
in his flat.
They're all like that. They're all trouble.
Always something to hide.
Their crimes are in every paper.
The alleged Oklahoma Bomber, the woman who drowned her two sons,
the Lynnwood mutilator, are all just typical examples.
Everyone of them's a criminal of some kind.
Always something to hide.
Why else would they live like that?
In houses, apartments, behind walls.
Something needs to be done.
Those homeful people have really gotten out of hand.
Wasn't that instructive? Try it yourself, pick out a bunch of people that almost never get stereotyped, like stereotypers themselves, or satirists, or people who eat peanut butter. Make up your own brand new original stereotype for them. It's fun and you'll be amazed by what you learn in the process.
You can stereotype individuals, too, only then it isn't usually called that. It's called caricature, a respected traditional art, especially in its graphic form. An illustrative graphic example appears at the top of this column, a rendering by my own hand of myself as a carrot. There is nothing wrong with me for doing that. I am not in reality a carrot, I have merely portrayed myself as one in a drawing.
Speaking of caricature and hygiene centers, what's the deal now with our Mayor? He wants to block the building of hygiene centers at BOTH the Glen Hotel AND 9th and Lenora? Where are we supposed to build them, in his office? Is Norm Rice asking for it? Now that I have a whole page to fill I am going to assume the answer is, thankfully, yes!
Thank you, Mayor Rice!
by © Dr. Wes Browning
The Deadline looms before my pen,
that time of month's come round again.
Today it's worse than 'twere before,
they made my column this much more:
I got to write ten lines more rhyme
then any other preev-yus time.
I just about gave up the chore
When Norm came through for me once more!
He says he's for a hygiene place
as long as it won't take up space.
"That's been the problem all around.
Those people always use up ground-
If only we could shrink them small
to fit inside a box so tall,
[he gestures low to show us all]
I'd put them in my entrance hall!"*
Why Thank You very much Norm Rice
As always helpful, kind, and nice.
[* Not an actual quote from our Mayor. This is *caricature*!]