Friday, September 1, 1995

Speaking of Haiku

Speaking of haiku

The consummate poet al-

-ways has one or two.

If you don't recall what a haiku is check out my first:


or Opus 3, My First Haiku

First: five syllables

Second: seven syllables

Last: five syllables.

Cool huh? O.K., here's one more haiku to whet haiku-appetites, one which I'm sure will be well-received by all your "poetry-cognoscenti." Like many great poems it seeks the Universal in the Particular. It is after all that only by staring unflinchingly at each "pixel" of our reality in this world that we can create a gestalt of our other-than-realities in this world, such as the Universal Objective. So have some gestalt on me!

The Beer Drinker's Haiku

or Opus 5, My First Haiku with Content

H! A! I! K! U!

Don't be drinking all the brew!

Or you WILL upchuck!

Having surmised my views on the Seattle Commons plan Peter Powers, a local building contractor, writes:

Dear Selfish Ex-homeless Jerk -

Let me explain something to you and your kind about the Seattle Commons. We
are not trying to "make people homeless". For every apartment we lay waste,
we will build a new "low income" apartment to replace it. So you see, our
goal is not to increase the total number of homeless but instead to pass the
experience of homelessness to people who haven't already had it. You've had
your chance to be homeless; now let's see some other deadbeats and losers hit
the streets!

But - just to show you I'm a nice guy - here's a poem you can stick in your

I'm not a bad person you know,
I'm just a guy seeking to grow.
But messing up lives
By leveling dives
Fulfills all my needs to get dough.

I believe you, Peter. But next time could you please keep to a hundred words or less? THANKS!! I have needs, too!

And THANKS!! to you, Reader, for reading. Read next month, and learn something about the poet's craft.

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